Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pampers Village: Connect with real parents like you!

On Pampers Village, you can share tips, support, and experiences with real parents like you. You’ll discover more about parenthood through articles, videos, and online tools, and receive offers, samples, and coupons!

1 comment:

  1. Renee,

    I am an Oatsvall Team blog reader and saw your comment. We adopted in 2009 and I understand your concerns about the cost of adoption. I get it. Believe me, I get it!

    I would love to connect with you and offer you some tips to make it seem less overwhelming. When we began, we didn't know where the money would come from, either, and we trusted that God would not guide us on that path if He was not going to make a way for it to happen. There were times we doubted, but He never failed to make it all come together.

    There are tax credits, loans, fundraisers, grants... there is a way!

    tisra AT mac DOT com (e-mail if you want to discuss it more!)
