Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another one bites the dust....

Wow!!! My last post was January 25, 2011. This year has been amazing and I hope the next will be even better.

1. We finally sold the house in St. Augustine.

2. My sister had her second baby, a little girl.

3. My two nephews are thriving and getting into normal 2 year old trouble.

4. My sister and her husband moved in next door.

5. My parents in-law suite was completed, after arguing constantly with the superintendent.

6. My husband has had a wonderful job and we are hoping it stays that way.

7. My sister-in-law, her husband and my nephew moved into my Grandma's old house, so now they are closer.

8. I have reached my 10 year mark with my job and we are still going strong there. :)

9. Not so good part of the year is that I gained weight. I am back at the needing to lose 80-90 lbs.

Now I am not going to beat myself up. I know what happened and I can blame it on the fertility drugs, the depression (which I am over), lack of time but they would just be excuses.

So here is where I am at, I WILL NOT be going on some diet program, I am doing this my way. I find that when I do diets I tend to cheat with my foods. Before the holidays began I ate what I wanted and it was the full fat versions of whatever I made. I found I ate less and was more fulfilled. I wound up losing 15 lbs. over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since I need to lose 80-90 lbs and it is safe to lose 1-2 lbs a week. I figured I could do it this year, 52 weeks in a year is really not that long.

This is my way of getting my life back without help from others, I did this to myself and I WILL get myself out. I do not plan on blogging everyday but I will try. I am trying to make foods ahead of time that are healthy but not skipping the fat. Now by fat I am talking real butter, coconut oil, olive oils, peanut butter, eggs (not egg beaters), whole milk or coconut milk.

I am not asking anyone to follow me on this journey or follow my lead. Everyone is different and what may work for me may not work for others. For instance, I can not have artificial sweeteners, it is only asking for an instant U.T.I. I do however use Stevia, Sucanat and Agave. I will stick to Organic fruits and veggies, I feel better when I stick to a mostly vegetarian diet.

I have been using recipes from other blogger websites. I love The Pioneer Woman site and I have adjusted some recipes to make them a little more vegetarian. :)  I know she will be so disappointed but conversion is necessary. I also follow The Nourished Kitchen, Heavenly Homemakers, A Cozy Kitchen and for personal inspiration and I love how she writes Enjoying the Small Things.

I am not making this as a resolution because when February rolls around those are out the window. I do believe in new beginnings and that it is never to late to start something. So I toast the New Year with a new way. I will try to lose at least 1 lb. a week and if I don't I will not beat myself up. It took me years to learn these bad habits and I am assuming in 2 years I will change them.



  1. Happy New Year my beautiful sister(:
    I think of you guys all the time. I miss you and love you and so grateful we were blessed to meet.
    For a few years when not pregnant and putting weight on my goal was 1 pound a week. Everything else would stress me out and I would gain no matter what I did. You have set great goals and very doable ones at that. I look forward to checking out the sites you mentioned. After this baby comes in June I will give myself a break and then go back to 1 pound a week which is 52 in a year(: I look forward to heaing and seeing more on your blog. i too strive to add to my blog. It took me all afternoon but I did today(: Miss you and would love to keep in touch. Again Happy New Year I know it will be even better then last year(:

  2. Hi,

    My name is Greg and I am contacting you from Urbanspoon. I noticed that you have a spoonback (the Urbanspoon image link) for Matteo’s in the upper left hand corner of your blog. In order for the spoonback system to work correctly so we can link to your blog, it is necessary that the spoonback be placed in the actual post itself. So if you can please move the spoonback in to your post for Matteo’s then we will be able to link to your blog on Urbanspoon. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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