Ok, so I went to get my HSG yesterday. More like tried to get it done. I was supposedly still in my "cycle" and the Dr. acted suprised. Because most normal women finish on day 5. You do the test between day 6-12, I was scheduled for day 7. Well, news flash Dr. I am coming to you because I am not normal. ;P So I wasted more of my lovely "vacation" time at yet another Dr. appt. I was told if he tried to do the HSG that is would push the flow upward and cause my mild Endometriosis to go to severe, it can also flush everything into my abdomen as well. Once you go to severe you can't go back. So back on birth control I go for another two months and then schedule my procedure for day 7 during the start of the new pack. I should have named this blog site "My life in Stirups" instead of Fuller Follies. Also another fun thing I wasn't told was that it may or may not cause Labor like pains, so it would be better if I had someone drive me just in case and to take (4) 200 mg Ibprophen before I go. So I had to basically reschedule it for 35 days out from now.
For those who aren't sure what an HSG is, it is also called a A hysterosalpingogram is an X-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes which allows visualization of the inside of the uterus and tubes. The picture will reveal any abnormalities of the uterus as well as tubal problems such as blockage and dilation (hydrosalpinx). If the tubes are not blocked by scar tissue or adhesions, the dye will flow into the abdominal cavity. This is a good sign but it does not guarantee that the tubes will function normally. It does give a rough estimate of the quality of the tubal structure and the status of the tubal lining. Some cases where the tubes appear to be blocked where they join the uterus, may in fact be normal. Often blockage at this location may be due to spasm of the opening from the uterus into the tube or from accumulated debris and mucus blocking the opening. This can be managed by passing a very thin catheter into the fallopian tube either at the time of hysterosalpingogram or during a hysteroscopic procedure.
Sometime if there is a blockage, during the procedure, the dye can force the tube open again.